Saturday, April 4, 2020

Finding An Economic Tutor

Finding An Economic TutorWhen you want to find a London, UK based economic tutor, the first thing that you will want to do is make sure that the person you choose is really qualified. This means that they have been trained in the economic and business aspects of life. There are a few ways that you can find out about someone's training and experience. You can look at the web site, go through their website or go to their personal website.It is a good idea to go online to find out more about a person. There are plenty of companies that have websites on the internet, and you will be able to get a lot of information from these. Make sure that you make use of the forums on these websites to find out more information about the person that you are looking at.You can also look up a candidate's CV on the local college, local chamber of commerce or local government. If you cannot find any information about the person then you may want to ask around in your work or place of worship for someone t hat they think would be suitable for you. You may find that they will be very happy to assist you in this manner.If you wish to find someone who is a little more experienced in English speaking skills then there are some other options for you. These include speaking to an employee at the local office of a firm that offers online courses in business and in the fields of business, marketing and business-to-business communications.The person that you speak to in this case may have been part of one of the courses that you are interested in, and you may not know where to find someone that will be able to help you. This may well be because of the fact that it is quite easy to spot an incompetent tutor.A good way to find someone that is capable of speaking English as a second language is to visit theInternet and research the profession. In doing this you will need to check with your chosen firm to see if they offer any of these courses. If they do then you will need to ensure that you choo se someone that has the qualifications to qualify.You will need to have any training before you can take any such language courses. You will be able to find details about the course structure, fee structure and any other information that you need to get about these courses.

Monday, March 23, 2020

How Do You Begin Learning to Play Guitar

How Do You Begin Learning to Play Guitar How Do You Start Learning to Play Guitar? ChaptersAsking Yourself the Right Questions Before You Start Playing GuitarDifferent right handed guitar techniques for playingPlaying Guitar With Your FingersThe great moment has arrived!You feel deep within you the need, the desire, the urge to devote yourself to the guitar.  Do you want  to know how to play guitar?You've spent forever staring at guitars in stores, flipping through magazines, and watching videos of your idols - Slash, Clapton, David Gilmour, Carlos Santana and Robert Johnson, to name a few. You tell yourself you will get there one day too.But the first question is: where do you start learning to play guitar?electric guitar.If you want to play Led Zeppelin, stay away from classical guitar, simple right?This will save you time, money and energy to focus on what you love.Where can you learn to play guitar?If you want to play guitar but have never touched one in your life, if you do not know the basics of music theory such as solfeggio, rhythm, scales, etc., we recomm end you to take guitar lessons.There are various ways to do this: at an academy (over several years building towards a professional or academic path), private or public music schools (teaching supervised by a certified teacher who follows a set methodology), cultural centers, workshops, associations, music clubs where you can meet other budding musicians as well as professionals (some offer courses, others one-off workshops). Choose the easiest solution for you.The final solution is to take private lessons at home with an independent teacher who usually travels to your home and teaches once a week (the advantage is that the teacher adapts to your needs and expectations).You may also ask where you can buy an inexpensive guitar to learn with...Different right handed guitar techniques for playingYou will have to learn several techniques to play guitar, especially to play with your right hand.PluckingAs its name indicates, this technique consists of plucking a string with your fingertip s or nails. You can use up to four fingers, the thumb, forefinger, middle finger and ring finger. You can pluck several strings at the same time. This is the basic guitar technique used to play arpeggiosArpeggiosYou pluck the strings regularly and simultaneously, as if you were playing a chord note by note.GolpeThis is a variation of plucking, wherein after plucking the string your finger rests on the next string, increasing the volume of the notes. This technique is widely used in the flamenco style.PickingPicking, or finger picking, fingering, means tweaking the string with one of the fingers of your right hand.It is a particular way of plucking strings with the finger, typical of North American music like country or blues. Using a plectrum can help bring out the rhythm and round out the sound.Strings feeling slack? Follow these tips for tuning your electric guitar...StrummingStrumming is stroking the strings quickly to give the illusion of a chord.  There are many kinds of strum ming patterns you can learn to easily form a melody.This is the simplest technique to play and the most used, especially in accompanying guitar because it is easy to play at volume.Back and forthThis technique is realized with the help of a plectrum which vibrates the strings simultaneously with an upwards or downwards stroke.This technique is widely used on the electric guitar to play melodies or solos quickly.Playing Guitar With Your FingersThere are three distinct ways to play the guitar: with your fingers, with your nails and with a plectrum.As mentioned above there are different ways to play with your fingers.How to play the guitar with your fingers?According to your style, ability and level, you will find a particular technique that suits you best. Each technique will produce a different sound, so it's a matter of taste which technique you use later on.Find online guitar lessons on here.Finger placement and movement for learning guitarYou can use your thumb and forefinger toge ther if you do not want to use a plectrum, without using your other fingers.Your index fingernail will pick the strings in a downwards motion and your thumbnail will strike them as you move your hand up.It is not an easy movement to master, but remember to keep your wrist flexible and in control of your movements. The movement should only come from your wrist and not your arm.  Eventually, you will develop calluses on your fingers after consistent guitar playing.Tips for playing guitar with your right handYou can play guitar if you have short or long nails as long as your nails are all the same length. When you move your wrist, rotate your hand so that your index finger is in contact with the strings rather than your thumb.Do not lift your wrist too much, keep the back of your hand in line with your forearm.Remember to use your wrist to move.Playing guitar with your nailsIf you are right handed it does not matter what length the nails on your left hand are as they will not be used on the strings to play notes or chords. Do not scrape the strings. Tune your electric guitar well. To hold down a string properly long nails can get in the way.The nails on your right hand are another story. You can have clipped nails, short nails or long nails. The right hand is the one you will use to play notes by making them vibrate, and so the length of your nails will have an impact on their sound.For manicured nailsThis has no influence on the sound of the guitar, and is therefore perfect for those who want to play with a plectrum or with your finger tips for a softer sound.For long nailsUse them to pluck the strings as well as your finger tips for a sharper sound, a practice particularly popular with classical and flamenco guitarists. The benefit lies in being able to pluck precisely for a brilliant, defined sound. The only drawback is their maintenance; they must be cut and filed regularly.Playing guitar with a plectrumA final guitar playing technique is with a plectrum.Gui tar picking is funYou should hold it in a way that feels natural: placed on the side of your index finger and steadied by the thumb. The right movement for a plectrum is not simple and you should work hard to perfect it.The real difficulty is to stay focused on the rhythms and precision while remaining flexible.Try striking the strings with some force to get a clear sound.Relaxing the wristThe wrist plays an important role in playing with a plectrum. Try moving up and down without moving your forearm, or your elbow, but just your wrist.Tips for playing guitar with a plectrumSome tips for playing with a plectrum:• Do not raise your hand too much.• Keep the wrist soft, this is essential for playing with a plectrum.• Pay attention to the symmetry of your movements.• Tilt your plectrum to avoid playing too hard.• Start playing slowly, and slowly increase your speed.• Use a mirror to avoid neck strain and get a good view of your movement, to help you iron out errors.If you're really enthusiastic, discover our tips for:• Playing guitar while singing.• Playing guitar faster.• Playing guitar with one hand.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Learn How to Sew with a Serger with our Sewing Classes

Learn How to Sew with a Serger with our Sewing Classes Sewing Tutorials in Using a Serger: Overlock Stitch, Straight Stitch, and Cutting ChaptersWhat is a Serger?Which Serger Suits You?Stitching Made Possible with a SergerLearn to Sew: With or Without a Serger?The Straight Stitch on Sergers: Are They Worth the Cost?If you have been watching sewing tutorials online â€" or are taking sewing classes, you may well have heard about a mysterious and efficient machine called a serger.While your basic sewing machine is capable of rendering quality stitches and beautiful garments, a serger permits a wider range of stitching and finishing, as well as working with a greater variety of fabrics.Have you every tried to sew jersey or other knits on your sewing machine?The stretch, the curl of raw edges; the likelihood of bunching under your presser foot...There was a time, in the history of sewing, that needles of bone or wood were the only type of notion available.Aren't we grateful that technology has refined the practice of home sewing!These days, sewing machines are computerized, allowing for precise plying of needle and thread, making it easier than ever for the seamstress, tailor or dressmaker to turn out quality clothing in no time flat.Let Superprof ease your way into beginner sewing â€" from the blind stitch for hemming to the buttonhole; from garment patterns to sewing curtains and pillows...Now we enter the enticing world of home sewing on a serger.Such a finishing stitch is only possible on a serger Source; Wikipedia Credit: SeniorCrochetTo  preserve and protect your fabric's raw edge manually â€" stitching it by hand,  you would require meticulous and time-consuming work.Contrast the hours you could have to spend edging your fabric with the mere minutes the efficient serger would require for the same task!It would probably render a much more even sewing stitch, too!You can learn more about sergers/overlocks by discovering the history of sewing …Which Serger Suits You?In fact, there are 2 types of machines that can fulfill these multiple functions:One with a single needle that renders a whip stit ch of varying grades, depending on how the machine is set â€" fine or gross stitching.Sergers are double-needled and can use up to five spools of thread, and cuts off the seam allowance as you stitch.Again, keep in mind: for fabrics such as jersey, fleece or lycra, you will be best served with a serger!Some types of fabric, especially thinner or more delicate ones, are very difficult to work with a classic sewing machine.The overlock also ensures a beautiful finish of the hem, especially on those fine fabrics. If you like to make your own clothes, you should definitely consider investing in such a machine.Imagine working silk on a standard sewing machine. Or even more challenging: by hand!What about a material that stretches easily, such as tricot or some other poly knit fabric?Not everything can be made out of cotton â€" that ultimately workable type of cloth, after all!One of the greatest advantages to working with a serger is the ability to stitch stretchable materials effortless ly.Of course, if you are unusually adept at sewing by hand or with a machine, you could already possess exquisite sewing techniques, and might have sewn whole wardrobes, using a zig zag stitch instead of overlocking your edges and seams.Join the discussion: is sewing a skill that only women should cultivate?A serger can sew rolled hems and seams, but cannot sew buttons or buttonholes Source: Pixabay Credit: WeinstockHowever, a serger renders an especially precise hem, with minimal fabric loss.Even though we are currently in the grip of winter, you may be looking at sewing patterns for summer clothing â€" keeping your sewing room busy in preparation for spring.If that is the case, mastering the rolled hem on a serger would be ideal, because such a hem is particularly suited to light, airy fabrics.You might start with easy projects: maybe a dress or skirt, with a choice of using a 2- or 3-thread stitch.If you opt for a 3-thread hem, you will get a finer rendering; a 2-thread will give the right side the same appearance as the wrong side.The Flatlock SeamAs its name implies, it is a flat seam: most likely, you are familiar with them if you own a lot of sportswear.A prominent example of such a seam can be found on casual wear collars.This seam consists of two fabric panels butted together. It is executed by selecting that particular type of stitch.Of utmost importance when sewing in this manner is to disable your serger's cutting blade.You can also select this type of stitch to make decorative borders if you are making a scarf, or adding ruffles to a sleeve.The Classic HemWho has never stitched a hem?In a hurry and your pant's cuffs have come unraveled. A quick bit of hand sewing, a snip of the scissors, and that's got it, right?Have you ever dismayed over how elementary your hand sewing stitches look, compared to machine-stitched hems?This type of hem, rendered on a serger, was executed with 3 threads, giving it a professional grade look.Sewing on a serger will t ake you far beyond these basic notions! Source: Pixabay Credit: BluemorphosLearn to Sew: With or Without a Serger?Of course you can learn how to sew without a serger! However, you should invest in a basic sewing kit containing:a sewing needle complement â€" an assortment of different sizes, for different types of fabrica needle threader might be a good tool to have, toosewing thread: at least of the basic colours, for easy sewing projectsyou can buy specific shades later, for specific craftingA thimble or twoa scissors set: fabric shears, pinking shears and maybe even a rotary cutterstraight pins and a pincushionbias tapeelastic and velcroThese are the sewing basics. There will certainly be much more available at your sewing notions counter; these are just to get started on needlework.Of course, not even fabric shears can match the precision of a serger's cutting implement, when it comes to eliminating seam allowance.Furthermore, you would have to be mighty experienced to achieve a finish  that would be comparable to anything a serger could yield,  by hand or even with the best sewing machine.As great an advance as machine sewing was, novice seamstresses may find themselves dismayed to see their beginner sewing projects come unraveled after just a few turns in the washing machine.Sewn with a serger, your garments' lifespan will be much longer.Do you absolutely need a serger to achieve beautiful finishes?Of course not! There are other finishes, like the zigzag stitch or a nice French seam, done on a standard home sewing machine, to finalize your sewing work.Still, to assure quality, durability and attractive work: of all the sewing tools available, the serger is the only one to deliver all three!Also learn the terminology for all of your sewing tools and materials...As great an advance as the sewing machine was, sergers render a more professional look to everything you sew Source: Pixabay Credit: Sabine van ErpThe Straight Stitch on Sergers: Are They Worth the Cost?If you love to sew, have entire drawers full of free sewing patterns; have a room replete with sewing supplies...If every member of your family has a complete wardrobe sewn by your hand, most likely you will redeem the cost of your serger within a few months.However, if you have just completed your Sewing for Beginners class and, at best, have managed to turn out a pillowcase â€" or some other simple sewing projects, perhaps you should hold off on your investment.At least, for a little while, until you get another sewing lesson or two under your belt.Overlock machines use two needles and up to five spools of thread at once, and can be highly specialised.The downside to such a machine is that it does not function like a regular sewing machine so, if you are just starting out in dressmaking, you might spare yourself the just over £200 price tag.Conversely, if you intend to establish yourself as an independent tailor, you might consider more complicated machines, with all the bel ls and whistles, that could set you back nearly £500!As you consider your serger purchase, bear in mind some of the top names: Janome, Brother, Toyota, Singer, Bernina and Pfaff.Think about what options you would like to have, versus those that are absolutely necessary for efficient use of the machine, such as: a retractable (or easily removable) blade, and a needle threading accessory.It might also help to have a catcher under the knife, otherwise you will have errant threads everywhere.You can learn a lot more about sewing in general and serging in particular by reading sewing books, joining a sewing circle or taking part in a sewing bee.We hope that this article has helped to point you in the right direction as far as selecting your very first serger!Now you can learn how to sew from the masters of fashion!If searching for ‘sewing classes near me’ come direct to Superprof and find your sewing classes from Edinburgh to Sewing courses London.Discover more about:interfacing fab riccouture clothing

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Why is Learning Maths so Important for Children

Why is Learning Maths so Important for Children Help your Kids with Maths: An Essential Part of Learning from Day One ChaptersThe Aim of Learning Maths at Nursery School and KindergartenMaths Teaching at Primary SchoolArithmetic for Children: Essential SkillsTools to Help Children Practice MathsMathematics is one of the most important subjects taught in school. From nursery, children learn about numbers, arithmetic and geometry.Throughout primary and secondary school, children are constantly delving deeper with their understanding, learning to break down numbers and do multiplication for the first time with a multiplication table, as well as tracing geometric shapes.Later on, in their academic careers, students are taught about algebra, trigonometry and calculus.The basics must be mastered if students want to increase their chances of academic success in the future. And if they face obstacles along the way, there are solutions available to help.Emphasising maths from kindergarten will provide children with a strong basis for reasoning, estimation and thinking logically in later life. Playing games r elated to maths, completing exercises with them during the holidays and searching for maths tutors together will increase their interest and expertise.Give children the tools to make sense of the world ¦ source: sasintThe first calculations done by a child represent a big step in their learning. Beyond knowing their times tables by heart, this shows that they have taken a logical route to finding a solution.Knowing the sign for 'add' and the one for 'subtract', finding the product and the difference are all steps along the path to a way of thinking that seems obvious to adults but is quite advanced for young students!By using arithmetic to solve a problem, children familiarise themselves with the properties of numbers and how to manipulate them. With practice, this becomes easier and children will be able to do simple sums as a reflex. Children will also employ techniques and develop automatic reactions to mental arithmetic questions.To help them make good progress, it is important that children can see the applications of maths in real life. Visual association will help the child develop an appreciation for operations and their uses as they can see an end goal.And maths mastery is down to practice!Tools to Help Children Practice MathsIs your child struggling with maths? Don’t let problems fester.Before turning to a private maths tutor, think about offering an alternative approach to learning to help your child view maths problems from a different angle.With a fun approach to learning, you child will be able to improve their skills whilst enjoying themselves!Exercises During School HolidaysExercise books help children to stay on the ball and commit information to memory during the time when they are not at school.Self-motivated children will enjoy working through their homework books and may not even see it as work.Even so, if your child sees workbooks in a negative light, they are far less likely to work hard and it and take it seriously, and there will, t herefore, be little benefit.This is why it is important for parents to encourage their children along the way, providing support in their learning.Educational AppsChildren love playing on phones and tables, which is perfect for getting them to play educational games!Apps for learning times tables are particularly easy to find. The child can track their progress, which motivates them to keep improving.Children learn best when they're having fun! ¦ source: Pixabay - StockSnapThese apps are real games with challenges to overcome, levels to pass and a story to follow.CartoonsIt’s easy to find educational cartoons online, which can help explain maths to children.Supporting your child this way will give them the opportunity to learn maths by a different, and maybe more effective method than the ones used at school.Learning about a new topic which is explained visually can completely turn around a child’s understanding.Board GamesDo you enjoy playing games as a family?If your youngste r is struggling with their maths skills, why not suggest playing an educational board game  adapted to their age?Developing logic and reasoning skills, learning calculations and broadening their understanding of graphing are all advantages of family games, which allow the child to make progress without feeling isolated.Having a good time with their parents can mean a boost in self-esteem for children and they learn without any pressure.Beyond helping your child with their maths by incorporating it into games, you can also make maths a part of your day-to-day life.Without pressing them too much for an answer, ask your child questions to help them learn to appreciate the practical uses of math in real life.Baking a cake is a good time to get in some practice:I have a mug of 100g of flour and I need 250g of flour for the recipe. How many mugs of flour should I use?If I put the cake in the oven at 3:50pm for 25 minutes, when will it be ready?There are many ways to get your children to a ppreciate maths and its uses, and this is completely worth the effort as laying a solid foundation will enable learners to build their knowledge with less difficulty later on.Find a local and an online maths tutor for A-level and GCSE maths revision all over the UK on Superprof’s great tutoring platform!

Where To Stay On Your Trip To Portugal

Where To Stay On Your Trip To Portugal Visit Portugal: Finding Your Holiday Accommodation ChaptersChoosing A Hotel In PortugalCheaper Accommodation AlternativesUnusual Accommodation In PortugalCompare Before You Book If You Want The Best PriceIf you visit Portugal, you will find an enchanting country with a long list of attractions, from world heritage sites, White sand beaches, monuments, resorts, Stunning cobblestone towns, wine route villages, awe-inspiring waterfalls and hilltop monastery/pilgrimage sites. No matter where you go it can be the best places to visit. The country has discoveries waiting for all travelers, the foodie who wants to try eating in the café lined streets to the adventurous traveller who wants to put down the travel guide set off exploring the best places to go.From Madeira, Faro, Lisbon (Portugals Largest city), Porto, the Algarve, the Azores islands and everything in between. Portugal is a small country that makes a big impression, the places to visit and to stay will live on in your memory as some of the best Journeys that you have had. You will soon find yourself booking yet another trip back to spectacular Portugal.In Portugal, hotels, houses, apartments and rooms await tourists throughout the year not just in the summer months. If your Itinerary is organised to visit the Valleys, Landscape and beautiful regions of the Algarve, the Azores, Coimbra, Belem, or the bustling capital city of Lisbon. Then after you book your arrival transport, you will need to book somewhere to sleep. We will look at some of the types of accommodation that you can choose to enjoy your holidays. Here are our accommodation Travel tips.Portaguese people are friendly accommodating. Photo Source: UnsplashThe Airbnb option is special since it can be as much an apartment rental as a room rental homestay.By renting an apartment, you can see how it feels to live in the country like a local, and if you rent only one room, it gives you the opportunity to meet your host and talk to about life in Portugal. Airbnb is also an asset for the wallet, as th ey do cost much less than Hotels in almost all areas.Try CampingIn a tent, camper, mobile home, camping accommodations are reserved for holidays in all parts of Portugal. It would be a mistake not to consider camping as a holiday accommodation option abroad. Not only can you save money but you also get to have a little adventure. Portugal is full of campsites, they can enjoy facilities such as a swimming pool, playgrounds, wifi or washing machines.To book a pitch, you only have to pay from around €3, but prices can be seasonal especially in tourist areas. Which mean prices go up in summer and go down in winter. But prices are so low that even summer prices may leave you with plenty of money to spare.Unusual Accommodation In PortugalTepee, Yurt, boat, huts on the beach, Palace, Castle, cabins in the woods, unusual accommodations are becoming more and more popular among holidaymakers. Portugal has plenty of options for you to choose from should you like to try a unique accommodation .Unique AccommodationIf you are happy to sign up for an Airbnb account, you will be able to search and find a long list of unique accommodations. However, you can also search on google for solutions or ask around when you get to your destination.Other unusual accommodations are also available in Portugal such as a windmill redeveloped on the south bank of the Tejo for 80 €, or a tipi by the sea for 71 € per night.Free Accommodation In PortugalIt may seem hard to believe, but you can find free accommodations in Portugal.CouchsurfingOnce registered on the Couchsurfing site, you will search through the profiles of interesting Portuguese people and get in touch with them depending on the place you want to visit. If the person is available on the dates you want, you can sleep on his sofa or in a bed, depending on what space they have available.While this does not always guarantee the best comfort, the benefit is that you get to meet new people who live in the country who are keen to spend time with you in exchange for a bed. This is great for people travelling alone or for people who would like a free guide from the local point of view. Normally in exchange, you may spend some time with your host as friends do, you may also cook for your host or bring them a thank you gift.Work Exchange ProgramsWoofing, Helpx, Workaway are work exchange programs which allow you to stay for free in exchange for helping your host with a project. In exchange for free housing and sometimes even food, you work for a few hours a day to work on a farm, in a house or project of the hosts choice. It is good to agree on everything before arrival and be honest about your experience and interests. These options also can allow you to work in hostels or with travellers, which may come with other freebies like tours, day trips and free entry to attractions.Free ParkingIf you own a campervan or truck, there are many places to park without having to pay. To find the best places for yourself try the app Park4night or other similar apps which share local information for tourists who are driving.If you arrive in Lisbon you can have a tour in the capital city. Photo Source: UnsplashCompare Before You Book If You Want The Best PriceOnline comparison sites are often used by vacationers to find the best prices for accommodation. While many people may use accommodation booking sites to book their accommodation, many people still do not compare booking sites. If you are looking for the best price, you should compare the price offered for your hotel on a few sites. Websites like trivago will search the entire web and provide you with the cheap price offered across website online.This is because the same hotel can offer different prices for the same room even on the same dates. To get the best price, it's worth doing a bit of extra research to find out if you are paying the best price offered for that room. Additionally, sometimes it can be cheaper to book directly with the hotel/ho stel. And if you are able to book in advance, you may receive an early booking discount which could make the price really affordable.While some travellers need to prepare an entire program in advance, others prefer to improvise during their stay. Both can be risky, so reading reviews can help you avoid disappointment. Remember also that if you travel during a special season such as a festival or holiday, you may struggle to find free rooms available. But if you are flexible, there will always be something for you even at the last minute. Enjoy Tourism!

Dont Wait to Act for Kids with ADHD

Don't Wait to Act for Kids with ADHD When parents have concerns about their childs behavior or academic performance, they are often told by friends, family, teachers, and doctors that they should wait and see if things improve before seeking professional help. After all, maybe what is concerning the parents is just a phase or a developmental stage that will pass on its own. Since kids and the expectations placed on them are constantly changing, there are times when a wait-and-see approach makes sense. For example, this can be a good method for when a child is initially adjusting to a new teacher or when there are major changes at home, like the addition of a new sibling. In contrast, when there are persistent behavior challenges at home or at school, like difficulty following basic rules, difficulty getting along with classmates or teachers, oppositional behavior, or difficulties with focus or completing schoolwork, then a wait-and-see approach is not helpful and could even be harmful for kids who may have ADHD. With the start of a new school year, parents are especially attuned to their childs behavior and academic performance. So, its not surprising that this is the time when new or heightened concerns are often raised. Its also a major adjustment period for kids, which means teachers and professionals may be more likely than ever to hand out wait-and-see advice. The problem is that when kids or teens have ADHD, or suspected ADHD, waiting too long can lead to missed opportunities for social, cognitive, and academic development. The longer kids go without help, the more likely they are to experience excessive criticism, miss gaining important academic knowledge or skills, and miss opportunities to foster new friendships. So, how long should you wait to seek professional help or an assessment for a possible ADHD diagnosis when your child or teen is struggling at the start of the school year? And what are the signs that professional help is needed? While there are no hard and fast rules to follow, here are some basic guidelines that can be helpful: If you are considering having your child or teen assessed for ADHD after the start of a new school year, then it is important to give a teacher 4-8 weeks to observe your child in a new classroom. This is generally enough time for your teacher to develop an understanding of how your child or teens behavior and academic skills compare to age- and grade-level expectations. However, it is not necessary or helpful to wait longer than two months (at most) if your child is struggling. Keep in mind that waitlists for assessments can be long, so get on a list right away and expect that it will likely be at least two months before an assessment slot becomes available. If homework time is a battle at the start of the school year, and nothing you do seems to improve the situation, then get additional help as soon as possible. Homework demands will only increase as the school year goes on, and its highly unlikely that things will get better if you take a wait-and-see approach. Talk to your childs teacher, a school counselor, a psychologist, or a learning center, like Huntington Learning Center, about what you can do to take the stress out of homework time. If you and your child are struggling to get out of the house on time in the morning, either because of behavior challenges, school refusal problems, or because your child cannot stay focused long enough to complete a basic morning routine, then get help as soon as possible. Its much easier to establish a morning routine that works early in the school year than it is to change a routine later after bad habits have become entrenched. If your child is struggling socially and is having difficulty making new friends, then it may make sense to wait about a month to see if they settle into their new classroom or school. However, if your child has a long history of social difficulties, and their current social challenges are part of an ongoing pattern, then seek help as soon as possible. There may be things that you, a therapist, their teacher, or a school counselor can do early to set your child up for social success this school year. Finding help for a child who is struggling with behavioral, social, or academic challenges can be difficult. If you suspect your child may have ADHD, then your pediatrician can be a good place to start. School counselors can also be a great resource, especially when it comes to social difficulties. Teachers and learning centers, like Huntington, can help with academic problems in the classroom and during homework time. Lastly, psychologists and therapists in your area who specialize in ADHD or behavior challenges can be very helpful. If the first professional you talk to dismisses your concerns or tells you to wait and see if things improve, then be persistent and find someone who can provide your child with the help they need now before too much time passes by. ABOUT DR. MARY ROONEY Mary Rooney, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical psychologist in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California San Francisco. Dr Rooney is a researcher and clinician specializing in the evaluation and treatment of ADHD and co-occurring behavioral, anxiety, and mood disorders. A strong advocate for those with attention and behavior problems, Dr. Rooney is committed to developing and providing comprehensive, cutting edge treatments tailored to meet the unique needs of each child and adolescent. Dr. Rooney's clinical interventions and research avenues emphasize working closely with parents and teachers to create supportive, structured home and school environments that enable children and adolescents to reach their full potential. In addition, Dr. Rooney serves as a consultant and ADHD expert to Huntington Learning Centers. ABOUT HUNTINGTON Huntington Learning Center is the tutoring and test prep leader. Its certified tutors provide individualized instruction in reading, phonics, writing, study skills, elementary and middle school math, Algebra through Calculus, Chemistry, and other sciences. It preps for the SAT and ACT, as well as state and standardized exams. Huntington programs develop the skills, confidence, and motivation to help students of all levels succeed and meet the needs of Common Core State Standards. Founded in 1977, Huntington's mission is to give every student the best education possible. Call us today at 1.800.CAN LEARN to discuss how Huntington can help your child. For franchise opportunities please visit This website does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. The material on this site is provided for educational purposes only.

English Idioms about Relationships - Learn English with Harry ??

English Idioms about Relationships - Learn English with Harry ?? Here you will learn 12 English idioms about relationships get off on the wrong foot, on the rocks, give someone a hard time, hit it off, and more. 12 English Idioms about Relationships Native speakers of English use idioms a lot in everyday conversation. Idioms not only add variety and spice to your spoken English but also make conversation more interesting. What are idioms? Idioms are phrases that do not mean exactly what the words say. I would recommend you learn and understand the meanings of English idioms before you are confident enough to use them.  In todays lesson we are going to learn 12 English idioms about relationships. English Idioms about Relationships? 1. GET OFF ON THE WRONG FOOT  Meaning: when you meet someone for the first time you do or say something to upset themex.Example: Kathleen brought Richard home to meet her parents. He tripped on the carpet and broke their favourite vase. The relationship got off on the wrong foot.2. GET ON SOMEONES NERVES  Meaning: to irritate someone because you say or do something annoyingex. Example: Trevor always drums his fingers on the table when you are talking to him. It really gets on my nerves.3. TO GIVE SOMEONE THE COLD SHOULDER  Meaning: when you deliberately ignore someone because you are upset with themex. Example: Judy was so annoyed with her boyfriend because he had not called her in 5 days. When she saw him in the office she gave him the cold shoulder and did not speak to him all day.4. ON THE ROCKSMeaning: when something is not going wellExample: John’s marriage was not going well. He constantly argued with his wife. He told his friend he thought their marriage was really on the ro cks. 12 English Idioms about Relationships Facebook Share on telegram Telegram Share on twitter Twitter Share on email Email 5. GO BACK A LONG WAY  Meaning: when you know a close friend for a very long timeExample: Philip and Michael have been best friends since they were 7 years old. Their relationship goes back a long way.6. YOUR OWN FLESH AND BLOOD  Meaning: your children or close relativesExample: Michael was stuck with a problem. He had two applicants for the job, his son Paul and a stranger called Peter. In the end he chose his own flesh and blood and gave the job to Paul.7. HIT IT OFF  Meaning: to get on well with someone you meetExample: Anthony met Miriam at the party and they talked all night. They really hit it off first time.8. GIVE SOMEONE A HARD TIME  Meaning: treat someone badly or unfairly, to make someone sufferExample: Mum always used to give me a hard time for not doing homework properly. 9. MEET SOMEBODY HALFWAY  Meaning: to reach an agreement with somebody by compromiseExample: We agreed to meet halfway  on the price.10. TREAT SOMEONE LIKE DIRTMeaning: to treat someone very badlyExample: Why do bosses think that just because someone does a manual job, for low pay, that its somehow okay to treat them like dirt?11. ON THE SAME WAVELENGTHMeaning: when youre on the same wavelength with someone it means you share the same values, you are interested in the same thingsExample: There was some visual connection there, we were always on the same wavelength.12. FIGHT LIKE CAT AND DOGMeaning: if two people often have angry fights, we say can say that they fight like cat and dogExample: My brothers fight like cat and dog all the time.

Open Your Mind for the Christmas Spirit!

Open Your Mind for the Christmas Spirit! Christmas time is here again and everybody is busy, looking for presents for their children, friends and loved ones, decorating Christmas tree and doing all this fidgety and exciting stuff we do each year. Christmas is an amazing holiday which brings tons of joy and myriads of happy moments to every city and place. We would like to share with our readers some curious facts about Christmas that make the image of this astonishing holiday even more fantastic and appealing. The history of this holiday goes back to ancient times. Christmas has its roots in pagan festivals that were celebrated around the winter solstice Saturnalia, the Kalends and the “birthday” of Sol Invictus. Many elements associated with Christmas, including Yule log and gift giving, were inherited form these pre-Christian rituals. We celebrate Christmas on December 25th but it was once a movable feast celebrated at different times during the year. There is no clear evidence about the exact date when Jesus Christ was born as the date wasnt mentioned in the Bible. Many theological researchers estimate that Christ was born sometime in September or November between 6BC and 30AD. December 25 was fixed as the official day of Christs birth by Pope Julius I, bishop of Rome, in the 4th century A.D. The Christians church selected this date purposely because it coincided with the pagan holidays of the winter solstice and the idea was to replace the pagan celebration with the Christian one. Christmas was the subject of criticism and attacks many times throughout history. The Puritans in America considered Christmas as a decadent Catholic holiday and attempted to make Thanksgiving Day the prime festival instead of Christmas. The Puritans of New England enacted a law that made Christmas illegal in Boston from 1659 to 1681. Those who celebrated Christmas carried a punishment of five shillings for each offense or even were condemned as enemies of the Christian religion. Christmas wasnt an official holiday in the United States until June 26, 1870. Alabama was the first state to declare Christmas as an official holiday in 1836. Oklahoma followed suit only in 1907 and became the last U.S. state to make Christmas a legal holiday. The word Christmas derives from contraction of the Old English name Christes Maesse, which means Christs Mass. The abbreviation of Christmas to Xmas is sometimes thought to be sacrilegious. In fact it is originated from the Greek alphabet where the first letter of Christs name (Chi) is written as X. The legend of Santa Claus is based on a real person, St. Nikolas of Myra, who lived in todays Turkey in the fourth century. Saint Nicholas did many good deeds and he is the most popular non-Biblical saint around the world. Interestingly, the early illustrations of Saint Nicholas portrayed him more like a severe man and a symbol of discipline than the cheerful, massive elf we know today. St. Nikolas is not only the patron saint of kids; he is also the patron of prisoners, thieves, pawnbrokers, bankers, unmarried women, orphans and New York City. Santa has many names in many countries. He is called Father Christmas in England, Saint Nicholas in Europe, Sheng Dan Lao Ren in China, Pere Noel in France, Papa Noel in Brazil and Peru, Joulupukki in Finland, Ded Moroz (Grandfather Frost) in Russia and El Nino Jesus in Spain. The names of Santa Claus differ because of difference in cultures and traditions across the world but the fact that children are looking forward to his gifts every year is common for all countries in our days. Santa Claus has nine reindeer who lead his sleigh through the sky: Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen and the red-nosed Rudolph. The Rudolph’s name is taken from the song Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer”, the names of eight other reindeer are from the poem A Visit From St. Nicholas by Clement Clarke Moore. The tradition of Christmas stockings evolved from a story about three poor sisters who could not afford a marriage dowry. The sisters were saved by Saint Nicholas, who climbed down their chimney and filled their stockings with gold coins. It is considered that the Christmas trees may also date back to pagan traditions. However, the earliest known mentioning of a Christmas tree refers to a German pamphlet from 1570. In England the Christmas trees became popular in the 1800s during the reign of Queen Victoria who brought this custom from Germany. In the United States the tradition of decorating the Christmas tree was adopted by the 1870s. The first known Christmas tree decorations were apples. Medieval actors decorated paradise trees, which were usually the fir trees, with apples during “Paradise Plays”. The idea of decorating the Christmas tree with candles belongs to Martin Luther (1483-1546), who, according to legend, was charmed by the beauty of the stars shining between the branches of a fir tree. Electric Christmas lights were invented by Thomas Edison’s assistant, Edward Johnson, who got the idea of electric lights for Christmas trees in 1882. In 1895 his idea was accomplished by an American telephonist, Ralph Morris, who designed electric Christmas lights similar to the ones we use today. The first U.S. president who officially placed a Christmas tree in the White House was Franklin Pierce. President Teddy Roosevelt, on the contrary, banned putting up a Christmas tree in the White House during his term for environmental reasons. Today, lighting up a Christmas tree in the White Houses has become a hallowed tradition. We believe that Santa Claus will reserve the best gifts to those boys and girls who are aware of all these fascinating facts about Xmas. Let the joy of this wonderful season fill your hearts and minds! Merry Christmas! The Team Email: Phone: (805) 288-7338

Stream Away! How to Navigate Netflix for Learning Languages

Stream Away! How to Navigate Netflix for Learning Languages Stream Away! How to Navigate Netflix for Learning Languages Grab the popcorn! Turn out the lights! Its movie time!Except were not at the movie theaterâ€"were snuggled under a blanket at home.Its quite likely that you, along with more than 100 million other people in the world, subscribe to Netflix. Its an increasingly popular way to watch your favorite movies and TV shows at a time that suits you.And whats more, its  a great resource to supplement your language learning. Yes, really!With the site being available in most countries, Netflix has been widening its material in languages other than English for years, and no doubt it will continue to do so. So whether youre binge-watching in Belgium, being a couch potato in Colombia or chilling in China, you can find something for you.Yes, Netflix is great for entertainment around the globe. But as a language learner, how can you use this to your advantage?Well, were about to cover some tips for making the most of all this material, but lets start at the beginning.Heres how to get everything set up right on your Netflix account and get yourself ready for success. Stream Away! How to Navigate Netflix for Learning LanguagesHow to Use Netflix for Viewing in Your Target LanguageChange the language on your profile.Doing this will ensure you have access to as much material as possible in your target language. If you go to change the audio or subtitles on a movie, youll only see five or so optionsâ€"but that doesnt mean it doesnt have more! You can only be sure of seeing whether a piece of content is available in your language by having the correct language on your profile.Changing your language on your profile also has the extra advantage of training you in the vocabulary on the interface!You can only do this on your computer. Log in on the desktop version of Netflix, go to Account, scroll down to My Profile and change the language to your whichever one you want.Tip: If you dont want to have Netflix in your target language at all times, you can create an extra profileâ€"e.g., Jame s (German)â€"to use when you want to practice. You can even have multiple profiles in different languages if youre learning more than one.Now choose something to watch.Even after youve changed the language, Netflix still has different shows and movies available depending on what territory youre watching from. If you want to find out whats available in your country and in what languages, check out This makes it easier to see at a glance what might be helpful for you.Depending on your target language(s), you may also find one or more of these lists helpful:11 Fabulous German Movies on Netflix to Improve Your Deutsch8 Awesome Movies for Russian Learners on Netflix7 Movies on Netflix That Are a Godsend for Korean Learners9 Portuguese and Brazilian Movies You Need to Watch on Netflix5 Chinese Movies and Dramas on Netflix Based on Popular Novels6 Binge-worthy Netflix Series from Across the Spanish-speaking WorldNetflix and Skill: 12 Movies and Shows with French Subtitles for Le arnersStart playing.The audio and/or subtitles might not be quite right yetâ€"dont worry! All you have to do is…Choose audio and subtitle settings.Under the progress bar, you can click on the languages buttonâ€"a little speech bubbleâ€"and choose the audio and subtitle languages you desire.Watch away!Youre ready to go! But hold your horses. How do you really get the most out of it?4 Smart Ways to Learn Languages Using NetflixSomething to remember is that, although you can choose from 22 languages, Netflix is still very English-focused. Not every film or TV show is available in the language youre trying to learn.The key, then, is to find shows and movies that have audio or subtitles in your target language. Even then, simply watching a movie isnt likely to make all the language sink in, so youll need to get a bit more focused. Theres some great advice here about really studying a movie and making it valuable.You can also benefit greatly from using FluentU in addition to Netflix, be cause it gives you a concrete way of learning from shorter videos. FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like movie trailers, music videos, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language lessons. Both intensive and extensive listening (and reading) practice are important in language learning, and between FluentU and Netflix, you can easily cover both.For Netflix specifically, follow the advice below to get the most out of your watching experience.Watch movies or shows made in your target language.This is the ideal situationâ€"you get the full cultural and language experience with no terrible dubbing or awkward subtitles.Try searching for content in your target languageâ€"for example, Korean language moviesâ€"and seeing what comes up. It probably goes without saying that the languages youll be able to find the most content for will be those from countries with large and developed film industries. Youll have more luck with Spanish and French than Xhosa or Quechua!Als o keep in mind that there may be unfamiliar dialects from film to film. If youve been learning mainly Mexican Spanish and then you watch a European Spanish film, expect that some of the dialect and accents will be different from what youre used to.You can add the subtitles in your target language if this will help you follow. Theres also the option for subtitles in English or another language you already know. However, while this will help you get used to the sound of the language if youre only beginning to learn it,  beware: This can make it very difficult to focus on the target language, and you can complacently read your own language instead.Tip:  Treat this like a class exercise. At the end of a scene, challenge yourself to summarize the events of what youve just watched. Then go and watch it again to see if you still think the same.Watch movies or shows with target language audio only.You can switch the audio on shows made in English or other languages to that of your target la nguage. This is great if youre already pretty confident listening in this language. Unfortunately,  most Netflix shows have a limited number of audio options, and be aware that options usually means dubbing. Some of the dubbing is pretty good, whereas someâ€"particularly Polish for some reasonâ€"is terrible!The good thing about the dubbing is that its likely to be in a standard dialect of the language, so its good for learning if youre not confident with different accents or slang. Youll also be likely to get the same cultural experience as many others will have hadâ€"lots of European countries, for example, show all their US TV shows dubbed.Tip: Rewatch shows and movies youve already seen in your mother tongue with the audio of your target language(s). This way, youll be able to follow the plot without needing to put subtitles on, and you can focus on the language as its being spoken!Watch movies or shows with target language subtitles only.You have the option to keep watching Netf lix content in a language you already know but with the subtitles of your target. The most useful thing about this, for me, is that you can put it on all your favorite shows. At the moment Im learning Italian, which means Im watching things like Ozark and Breaking Bad with Italian subtitles.I would say this is less effective as a pure language-learning exercise, but it means you get to pick up interesting words and expressions while enjoying your shows as usual. Its the film equivalent of putting up little vocab posters on your fridge or wardrobeâ€"it fits into your day-to-day life.Just watch and keep half an eye on the bottom of the screen. Remember to pause and focus for a while if theres something you want to make sure you remember.Tip: Keep a notepad on your coffee table or bedside table. When you come to new words and phrases, you can note them down and review them later. The advantage of subtitles is that you know the spelling right away. As always, when working with authentic material in your target language, you may encounter a lot of language that youre not familiar with; you dont need to write it all down!Focus on words that either appear commonly or that are crucial to understanding the events of what youre watching.  Try to guess the meaning from context first, and then look them up in a dictionary. Write them down with either a definition in your target language or a translation into your own language.Watch movies or shows with target language audio and subtitles.Putting both audio and subtitles of a movie or show into your target language can be very useful if youre still getting used to the rhythm of the language and how the pronunciation and orthography connect.For example, if youre learning French, you can start to hear those similar-sounding vowel sounds as they relate to written words. You can also start to draw associations between written words and sounds in languages with an unfamiliar alphabet, such as Japanese or Arabic if youre a nativ e English speaker.Another thing to  beware of, though: If the original movie is in a different language, often the dubbed audio and the subtitles are not connectedâ€"the person on screen might say one thing while the subtitles say another. There are two reasons for this. Firstly, they will have been translated separately, and an idiomatic expression or ambiguous word may have been translated in two different ways. Secondly, both subtitles and dubbing have to make their own compromises: Subtitlers often have to shorten sentences  so you can read them on the screen, while dubbers sometimes change the speech so it fits more neatly with the movements of the mouth on screen.Tip: Make this a richer experience by finding reviews of the movie or show in your target language. You can also search on YouTube to find vloggers sharing their analysis and opinions. This will give you additional reading and listening practice (and writing if you care to leave comments).So there you have it.Use it r ight and that Netflix subscription can really be worth the money!