Monday, March 23, 2020

How Do You Begin Learning to Play Guitar

How Do You Begin Learning to Play Guitar How Do You Start Learning to Play Guitar? ChaptersAsking Yourself the Right Questions Before You Start Playing GuitarDifferent right handed guitar techniques for playingPlaying Guitar With Your FingersThe great moment has arrived!You feel deep within you the need, the desire, the urge to devote yourself to the guitar.  Do you want  to know how to play guitar?You've spent forever staring at guitars in stores, flipping through magazines, and watching videos of your idols - Slash, Clapton, David Gilmour, Carlos Santana and Robert Johnson, to name a few. You tell yourself you will get there one day too.But the first question is: where do you start learning to play guitar?electric guitar.If you want to play Led Zeppelin, stay away from classical guitar, simple right?This will save you time, money and energy to focus on what you love.Where can you learn to play guitar?If you want to play guitar but have never touched one in your life, if you do not know the basics of music theory such as solfeggio, rhythm, scales, etc., we recomm end you to take guitar lessons.There are various ways to do this: at an academy (over several years building towards a professional or academic path), private or public music schools (teaching supervised by a certified teacher who follows a set methodology), cultural centers, workshops, associations, music clubs where you can meet other budding musicians as well as professionals (some offer courses, others one-off workshops). Choose the easiest solution for you.The final solution is to take private lessons at home with an independent teacher who usually travels to your home and teaches once a week (the advantage is that the teacher adapts to your needs and expectations).You may also ask where you can buy an inexpensive guitar to learn with...Different right handed guitar techniques for playingYou will have to learn several techniques to play guitar, especially to play with your right hand.PluckingAs its name indicates, this technique consists of plucking a string with your fingertip s or nails. You can use up to four fingers, the thumb, forefinger, middle finger and ring finger. You can pluck several strings at the same time. This is the basic guitar technique used to play arpeggiosArpeggiosYou pluck the strings regularly and simultaneously, as if you were playing a chord note by note.GolpeThis is a variation of plucking, wherein after plucking the string your finger rests on the next string, increasing the volume of the notes. This technique is widely used in the flamenco style.PickingPicking, or finger picking, fingering, means tweaking the string with one of the fingers of your right hand.It is a particular way of plucking strings with the finger, typical of North American music like country or blues. Using a plectrum can help bring out the rhythm and round out the sound.Strings feeling slack? Follow these tips for tuning your electric guitar...StrummingStrumming is stroking the strings quickly to give the illusion of a chord.  There are many kinds of strum ming patterns you can learn to easily form a melody.This is the simplest technique to play and the most used, especially in accompanying guitar because it is easy to play at volume.Back and forthThis technique is realized with the help of a plectrum which vibrates the strings simultaneously with an upwards or downwards stroke.This technique is widely used on the electric guitar to play melodies or solos quickly.Playing Guitar With Your FingersThere are three distinct ways to play the guitar: with your fingers, with your nails and with a plectrum.As mentioned above there are different ways to play with your fingers.How to play the guitar with your fingers?According to your style, ability and level, you will find a particular technique that suits you best. Each technique will produce a different sound, so it's a matter of taste which technique you use later on.Find online guitar lessons on here.Finger placement and movement for learning guitarYou can use your thumb and forefinger toge ther if you do not want to use a plectrum, without using your other fingers.Your index fingernail will pick the strings in a downwards motion and your thumbnail will strike them as you move your hand up.It is not an easy movement to master, but remember to keep your wrist flexible and in control of your movements. The movement should only come from your wrist and not your arm.  Eventually, you will develop calluses on your fingers after consistent guitar playing.Tips for playing guitar with your right handYou can play guitar if you have short or long nails as long as your nails are all the same length. When you move your wrist, rotate your hand so that your index finger is in contact with the strings rather than your thumb.Do not lift your wrist too much, keep the back of your hand in line with your forearm.Remember to use your wrist to move.Playing guitar with your nailsIf you are right handed it does not matter what length the nails on your left hand are as they will not be used on the strings to play notes or chords. Do not scrape the strings. Tune your electric guitar well. To hold down a string properly long nails can get in the way.The nails on your right hand are another story. You can have clipped nails, short nails or long nails. The right hand is the one you will use to play notes by making them vibrate, and so the length of your nails will have an impact on their sound.For manicured nailsThis has no influence on the sound of the guitar, and is therefore perfect for those who want to play with a plectrum or with your finger tips for a softer sound.For long nailsUse them to pluck the strings as well as your finger tips for a sharper sound, a practice particularly popular with classical and flamenco guitarists. The benefit lies in being able to pluck precisely for a brilliant, defined sound. The only drawback is their maintenance; they must be cut and filed regularly.Playing guitar with a plectrumA final guitar playing technique is with a plectrum.Gui tar picking is funYou should hold it in a way that feels natural: placed on the side of your index finger and steadied by the thumb. The right movement for a plectrum is not simple and you should work hard to perfect it.The real difficulty is to stay focused on the rhythms and precision while remaining flexible.Try striking the strings with some force to get a clear sound.Relaxing the wristThe wrist plays an important role in playing with a plectrum. Try moving up and down without moving your forearm, or your elbow, but just your wrist.Tips for playing guitar with a plectrumSome tips for playing with a plectrum:• Do not raise your hand too much.• Keep the wrist soft, this is essential for playing with a plectrum.• Pay attention to the symmetry of your movements.• Tilt your plectrum to avoid playing too hard.• Start playing slowly, and slowly increase your speed.• Use a mirror to avoid neck strain and get a good view of your movement, to help you iron out errors.If you're really enthusiastic, discover our tips for:• Playing guitar while singing.• Playing guitar faster.• Playing guitar with one hand.

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